CIE is responsible for the ongoing review of the College’s diversity, equity, and inclusion strategic priorities and goals. As such, CIE:
- monitors the College’s progress toward the goals outlined in the diversity, equity, and inclusion strategic priorities, with regular reports from stakeholders responsible for undertaking action steps outlined in the plan;
- convenes experts and stakeholders to recommend revisions and additions to the strategic priorities and goals; and
- collects division and school plans/priorities/goals from all cabinet officers and deans, reviews their alignment with the College’s priorities and goals, and stores them in a central repository accessible to the College community.
At the president’s request, CIE convenes experts and stakeholders from across the campus to draft and recommend a new diversity, equity, and inclusion plan to the president and the Board of Trustees. CIE will partner with CSPP as appropriate. As part of this process, CIE facilitates a campus–wide conversation:
- to assess the accomplishments from the previous plan;
- consider the College’s current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats; and
- recommend a new set of strategic diversity, equity, and inclusion priorities and goals.
- CIE’s particular focus in this process is to move the College closer to fulfilling its Mission of becoming a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive institution.
CIE evaluates major, cross–cutting proposals for new and revised initiatives and procedures that emanate from College governance, major institutional planning areas, and institutional task forces as they relate to diversity, equity, and inclusion. The Committee considers these proposals in light of the College’s diversity, equity, and inclusion priorities and goals.
Each year, CIE invites up to four cabinet officers to make a formal presentation of their unit’s activities to the larger committee. Typically at the beginning of the fall semester, CIE decides which officers to invite. Invitations are based on which diversity, equity, and inclusion strategic priorities and goals are points of emphasis that particular year. CIE and CSPP may elect to choose cabinet officers and hold presentations together. Invitations should be sent by the committee co–chairs. On the basis of the cabinet officer’s presentation, CIE may recommend that Faculty Senate, Student Senate, and/or Student Government invite additional presentations for their constituencies or may charge task forces (with representation from the faculty, staff, and students) outside the membership of CIE to explore salient issues further and make recommendations to CIE
Membership: 15 total members. 6 faculty members; the Vice President for Inclusive Excellence, the Provost or designee, and the VP for Student Affairs or designee; 3 staff members; and 3 students, including a graduate student. If no graduate student is able to serve, the third student will be an additional elected representative from Student Government. An elected faculty member should serve as co–Chair with the Vice President for Inclusive Excellence. Current Members in Governance
Meeting Information
Meeting Times: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, 1:30-2:50 pm